Welcome to the fediverse! It doesn't make sense and everyone's very loud.
If you are migrating from Twitter or Tumblr, once you've found people, you may be wondering how to ease your way
I did promise to inflict short fiction upon this blog!!!
TW: suicide, severe child harm
She landed two blocks north of her intended location, logged the discrepancy for the review board, and began
There are hundreds of ways to end a life, your own or someone else's. Dorothy Parker famously knew this: razors, rivers, acids, drugs, guns, noose, gas. None of these methods are foolproof, though
Today I saw a tweet!!! That's a nightmare in itself, but unfortunately I want to discuss the ideas contained within that tweet in order to complain about them.
G. Willow Wilson is an
If you haven't already read Libby Watson's eulogy for M4A, I recommend against it. I'm not sure if the author intended it to be motivating polemic or an expression of collective grief or